Local Nets

CARS – Sunday Evenings

The Coastal Amateur Radio Society hosts a ragchew net each Sunday evening at 2030 local on the 442.700 repeater at 830 pm. Standard plus 5 MHz shift, no tone. The net is open to all licensed amateurs with VHF/UHF privileges. In additions to check-ins and ragchew, the net also offers an opportunity for hams to offer equipment for swap or sale.

ARES – Thursday evenings

Now starting 2000 local time on the 146.97 repeater. Standard minus .6 offset, ctcss tone 123.0.

Follow the link below for an enhanced net schedule covering much of what local hams are involved with. You may have to click again on the link on the new page that opens. Keep in mind that this is an older list, things may have changed since posting it.
