Today was a very productive POTA activation at Butter Bean Beach. Teri, KO4WFP, got started early on CW using her Elecraft KX2 on 17, 20, and 40 meters. She employed a Tufteln EFRW QRP antenna. Teri was able to make 19 contacts on CW using her SP4 CW Morse paddle. It was about this time things got interesting.
Of course, Butter Bean Beach is a public park and boat ramp. Over the last year or so we have been spoiled by being the only people using the pavilion on Wednesday mornings. Today, we had a lot of company. There were two different summer kayak camps getting ready for launch. This involved many young folks using the facilities along with us. There were also nearby tent campers using the marsh area to spend the night. We all got along gracefully and shared the park with no issues. Teri even showed a few kids our equipment and answered their questions about Ham radio and CW.
Jack and Bryan got started setting up the Pacific Dipole Antenna. Tony, KQ4JFF, came to help and learn about POTA. Billy, KG4SZS, broke out his new Yaesu FT-DX10.
Once things got started they really got started. Billy was making contacts faster than he could log them in so he handed the computer over to Teri. Over the next 3 hours, Billy talked to 29 states and Canada. 83 contacts overall. He was reaching California, Washington, and Oregon with no problem. He was well into New England and Texas. Some contacts were a little lite but most were booming in. It was so much fun we forget to realize how hot it was.
This is a map of Billy’s contacts. A good sampling of the continent.
We all had a blast. It was really fun hearing those contacts one after the other from places we usually don’t reach. It seemed to be the perfect storm of equipment, weather conditions, and operators.
As always, all are welcome to come play with us. We usually get an email Tuesday nights from Jack, our fearless leader on the where and when. If you’d like to participate, please let us know and we’ll make sure you know where to go!