Wednesday POTA with Surprise Visitors

Today, the NWC (No Work Club) met at Butterbean Beach to activate POTA. This is a usual meeting on Wednesday mornings starting at around 9 am. NW4TF, Jack, set up his  Elecraft KX3 with the help of  KG4SZS, Billy, assisting with the antenna. Jack was using a Pacific Antenna that is a 20M/40M dipole.

While N4GSP, Bryan, and K4YGD, Russ were telling stories and being lazy, a surprise visitor arrived at the park. As we all know, Butterbean Beach is also part of the Wormsloe State Historic Site. This is Park K-3725. HI8D, David Lama, and his wife arrived from the Dominican Republic. They are cruising through the USA activating at parks as they come to them. It was just pure luck they found us and stopped for a visit. They told us they were on the way to Skidaway Island State Park next. The couple visited for about 20 minutes and left us all with some QSL cards.  Mrs. Lama just got her General License last week and was putting it to good use.

Jack was only able to make just over 10 contacts today. We don’t know if the conditions were poor or if the rest of the country was sleeping in. Things wrapped up about 11 am and a few more stories were told before we left.

All are welcome to join us at POTA activations. Contact Jack if you’d like to get on the NWC email list!!



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